Friday, April 07, 2006

Okay, so I have to fucking vent. If I don't I'm going to go FUCKING insane. AAAAHHHHHGGGGHHH!!!!

Damn, I'm in a bad mood today. Even though my migraine did NOT come back, I am extremely grumpy today. WHY? Well let's see... I come to work now at 5 (yes that's Five) in the f-ing morning now. That's not the problem though. I sit next to these ANNOYING bitches that WILL NOT shut up. I get here at 4:45, this bitch is already here, with her HUGE mouth going 90 miles a minute and she's LOUD. And the way her "cube" is set up, her fucking annoying, "nails-scratching-on-a-chalkboard-makes-me-want-to-slit-my-wrists-if-she-doesn't-shut-it" voice is facing right into my ear. I want SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad to get up and slap the shit out of her!!!!

First of all, I don't talk to people at work until at least 8 or 9, because I am not in the mood to chat to ANYONE this early in the morning. It's only 6:48 and I want to kill someone. If it were one of the two cool people that sit near me, I MIGHT talk to them, but they know me well enough not to start up fucking annoying small talk until after 10am.

Second, it's not just that she's loud, or that her voice makes my skin crawl, it's the stupid fucking shit she goes ON and ON and ON about. I swear to god I think I am going to Audioblog her and the chick that sits next to her so you can hear how annoying they are. She goes on and on about STUPID shit. Have you seen Office Space? You know that stupid small talk that goes on in a workplace that drives the main character crazy? THAT's the kind of stuff she talks about. And she laughs after EVERY thing she says. EVERYTHING.

"DIE!" I just want to scream.

(deep breath)

Okay, my break's over now, so I better stop. But thanks for listening, and stay tuned for an audioblog. Thank God she leaves early today.

4 and a 1/2 more hours.....

1 comment:

jyny said...

THAT'S IT! I'm going on my lunch to get some...